We came well prepared for the most part. We had lawn chairs, a blanket, our reusable shopping bags, our sack of Black Friday ads, and a camera. What we didn't take we had brought to us. We later learned those who bring you items while you are out are called your "Support". Our support was amazing. They provided us with extra blankets, gloves, hats, fuzzy socks, warm slippers, a game of "bags", hot chocolate, and pie! Having good Support is essential in having a quality and successful Black Friday experience.
In the mean time, Josh was preparing to tackle Walmart. He arrived there around 8 PM. Rachel and I went to visit him (when we needed a restroom to use), and checked on how he was doing. He was in position and ready to go. My confidence that he would be successful was much greater than my confidence that he would be. The way Walmart works is that you can stand by whatever item you want in the store. You just have to wait until the time comes to grab it. His hands were on the items we needed. The entire store was a mad house. I was happy to be camped out at Best Buy instead of being on Walmart duty. (Have I mentioned lately how incredibly my man is?!?)
Back at Best Buy were were freezing cold. People were driving by taking pictures and videos. Some even stopped to talk to us. Time was slowly ticking by as we waited for them to begin handing out vouchers for their big ticket items. At 10:00 PM they lined everyone up in a single file line. It was amazing how many people tried to sneak in the line who had just arrived. Unfortunately for them we all knew who had been there because we'd all spent so much time together. They were ridiculed out of line. First they handed out ads and store maps. Then came the vouchers. The hot item to get was the 42" TV for $199. There were only 18 of them, and every person from 1 - 18 got one. One family had brought several kids with them to get one. They were the second family in line so it didn't take long for those to go. Fortunately, that isn't what we were there for.
After the vouchers were handed out, time went a little quicker. Josh had arrived from Walmart, and his trip had been a success! He joined us in line, and so did our neighbor who we had gotten a voucher for. At midnight the Best Buy staff started yelling and getting everyone all hyped up to go in! They were great and very enthusiastic. And just like that they started letting people in.
They let in about 10 at a time, waited a few seconds for them to disperse, and then let the next group in. I was prepared to run to the back of the store to get my item because I had been told by the manager there were only five of them. So it was time... our turn. We walked through the front doors, and just like that we were no longer Black Friday Virgins.
We were official Black Friday shoppers! I ran to the back of the store in my pink fuzzy slippers. At first I didn't see the item I wanted and grabbed the alternative item I had chosen. Then I saw it... the last one. My heart stopped. I had put so many hours into getting this. I grabbed it immediately and put it in my reusable shopping bag. I even got a little choked up. For those of you who know me, you know that's how I am. It doesn't take much to get me teary. Every hour I'd spent searching, calling, driving, sitting outside, and freezing for had just became worth it! It was such a rush! Then in a matter of seconds someone walked up behind me looking for that same item. I got it because I ran for it. It was my day!
Needless to say, I'm hooked. Our trips were successful. And we are so much wiser now. Next year, I want to go big. I envision matching sweat shirts, a team name, and a tent! Our team will be scattered at different stores so that we can make the most of the experience and the money saving deals! It will be amazing!