There probably isn't supposed to be profanity along the way, but there was. There probably wasn't supposed to be three trips to Hobby Lobby involved either, but there was that too. How could one little pony, excuse me... Pegasus, be such a pain in the butt?!?
So I cut and cut and started tying my little heart out. (Shout out to Bitty for holding the ribbon while I tied.) It wasn't long before I realized that I didn't have near enough tulle to finish this skirt. I contemplated making wider tail to make up for it, but then I realized having a tail wider than her butt might not be the look I was going for. Then I'd just be mad at myself for taking a short cut, and I'd go back and redo it. Cue the phone call to Husband.
Husband was out searching the town for a light blue leotard. I could tell he was eager to head back to Hobby Lobby to get more tulle for me, so in an effort to make his day even brighter I went ahead and asked for a piece of felt also. He sends me pics to make sure he got the right stuff. (Such a gem Husband is.) I tell him I can't really tell in the pictures if it's what I want, but it seems okay.
In the mean time, I put together some ears for this costume. I had everything I needed for that. And I got the "cutie mark" completed. (Thank you second trip to Hobby Lobby and the felt request.) I was pretty proud. It was looking somewhat like my model.
Well, the third time's a charm. Finally enough tulle in the right color. Husband has become a hit with the Hobby Lobby ladies after his third trip. They built his ego claiming him to be a "saint" and me the "lucky wife". Whatever... I got my tulle.
My mom sees her and excitedly exclaims, "You're a cat!!"